Friday, September 19, 2008

oh meanderings...

I'd like to start by saying thanks to everyone who writes comments on here, sends me emails, or skypes with me every now and then. It really means a lot to me to hear from friends and family! I've received some emails lately from people who are worried about me here in Liberia. My last post mentioned that I've been having trouble meeting people here and forming friendships. I should say, though, that I'm not sad to be here. If there's one thing I've learned it's this--there is a difference between being sad and being lonely. I'm living by myself, working with a very small staff, and live on a compound that's not the most social around, and I'm one of the youngest people here--it's an adjustment for sure. That being said, I'm not upset about the choice I made to come here. I'm happy to be here and I'm enjoying myself.
In other news, I have been making a few new friends lately. This means getting to get off the compound every now and then which is wonderful. Just going out makes life a little less stressful. The people I've been meeting have also said that in Liberia it takes everyone time to start meeting people, which is reassuring. I was told that for being here for just four weeks, I'm doing a pretty good. Who knew? A group of ex-pats started up trivia here a few months ago. It happens on Thursday nights at an Indian restaurant just down the road. You all will be excited to know that my team won last night. This means that my team hosts trivia next week. So this week I will be making up trivia questions. If anyone has any good ones, send them my way, I may need the help. There are five rounds: a Liberia round (of course), a picture round, and three other rounds which each have their own theme. My team won a few weeks ago, too. It was very exciting.
A head's up on the weather here. We are currently in the rainy season. I look forward to the non-rainy season arriving (hopefully at the end of this month). When it rains, it pours here. My students also go crazy cause they can't go outside and play. The 'roads' here get horribly pot-holed during this time, and half the place floods. It's quite interesting actually. When it rains, though, it disrupts any connection which requires a satellite, etc. I think I mentioned this last time, but the internet is the first thing to go, whether at the compound or at school. If you email or comment on anything it may take me a bit to get back to you. While I'm usually lucky enough to be able to access my blog and email on a regular basis, the work of sending information over the internet from my side is a bit much for connection. I've tried uploading pictures on here a few times, but to no avail. I'm trying again now. If they work, you will be seeing pictures of my apartment (in all its glory) and the school.


hdawg said...


You are living my dream. Make the best of this time. I am so excited for you and this opportunity. It won't take you long to get adjusted.

I have enjoyed reading your blog. I've never communicated via blog. I hope you get this. How are your students? I'm sure you are enjoying the time you have with the kids.

The newest news from Georgia, Megan has no time for anything, Kevin and I ride our bikes (57 miles round trip)to Watkinsville atleast once a week to have coffee with her. She is in her 3rd year at UGA and the competition for Med school is getting pretty intense. We don't get to see her as much as we did. Nick is a senior in High School and is trying to figure out a way to graduate and go to college without going to school. Your Uncle has decided to quit his traditional job and opened up his own e-store. You should check it out after October 1, that is when he goes live with it. It is called It is an e-store for triathletes. We have been doing triathlons this summer and saw a need for an e-store. We are having a lot of fun with it. Grandma is taking a new medicine for her shaking and it seems to be working a little bit for her. Pa just had a shot in his back to help ease the pain of his hips and is walking so much better now.

Let me know if there is anything I can do from this end to help you out.

Have fun, enjoy this time, We love you.


Unknown said...

It's getting to be cold-as-shit season here in America, so count yourself lucky. Sort of. Rainy season is sort of a drag, but dry season is dusty as hell, so enjoy it while you can. Any luck getting that postal box from the embassy dude? The fourth season of The Office is out on DVD...