Thursday, August 21, 2008

I made it!!

Just wanted to drop a quick note to let everyone know I made it safely to Monrovia. The flights were uneventful, I got lost in the airport in Brussels (or rather, I didn't know where I needed to be and they don't post the gate assignments until 45 minutes before the flight), and arrival in Monrovia was hot and hectic. The airport is tiny, there are tons of people running around trying to direct everyone, and as soon as your out people surround you trying to give you rides, watch your bags, ask for money. It was crazy.
Then I went to dinner with the director and his wife. Then moved into my apartment. It's small, but has everything I need (except an oven!). Today I went to the embassy for my security briefing and embassy pass. Some of the things they talk about are scary (where's your safe haven?), but I think they just want to scare you into being careful. Overall, not a bad start. I'm tired, but excited to be here.

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