Sunday, August 10, 2008

Getting Ready

I'm trying to convince myself to start packing for the next two years of my life since I'm leaving for Liberia in nine days. I've gotten most of my shots, my prescriptions, packed up most of the apartment in Charlottesville, sent in for my visa, received my plane tickets, and fought with the health insurance company daily to figure out why my coverage hasn't begun yet. All I have to do now is pack my bags. Emotionally and mentally, I'm sad to leave, but ready to go. I've started the goodbyes and will complete them in Charlottesville later this week. It's time to move on to adulthood and start my first full-time job and move out on my own. Liberia is a big first move, but it should be exciting! I'm hoping to use this space to update everyone on my travels, job, students, social life, and anything else. Feel free to respond with what's going on in your lives and wherever you may be. I look forward to keeping in touch with everyone and sharing big life stories!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

good luck christy!! I will be in touch, do not fear! We will take on the world of international teaching together! <3 you lots. sarah.